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  • Writer's pictureShreya Wells

Choosing an Address Validation API

If you want to make sure that your customers enter valid addresses on your website forms, you need an address validation api. These services not only verify that the addresses exist but also standardize them so that they conform to official postal formats. This improves customer experience during checkout or account signup and reduces the number of returned items. There are several address validation api providers, with varying features and price points. Choose one that offers the features you need and a free trial to test it out.

When choosing an address validation api, look for a provider that can correct typographical errors as they occur. This will save you time and money because it won’t require you to go back and manually correct them. In addition, look for an address verification api that can identify address components and standardize them for mailing. This will improve the accuracy of your data and prevent delivery delays.

Another feature to consider is whether the api will identify duplicate street names or house number ranges within the same postal code. This will help you determine if an address is a single-family home or multi-tenant business address.

In addition, the api should also provide feedback on the accuracy of its results. For example, the api should return the type of address (business or residential) and whether it is valid for mailing. Moreover, it should also indicate what changes were made to the original address to arrive at the final standardized version. This will help you understand what needs to be corrected and improve the accuracy of your future data.



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